P4CM Blog

Princeton Marcellis – His Works

The DROP Project

  1. Levi the Poet – The Beginning. The Separation.
  2. Anthony Rose – Inside Out
  3. Sean Slaughter – We On
  4. Evangel – The Exodus
  5. Social Club – Jesus Waves
  6. Princeton Marcellis – His Works
  7. Bobby Bishop – ‘Alive’ feat. Lukus Simari
  8. Primisis – Ready to Go

The DROP Project Background / History

On August 2nd, 2011, HolyCulture.net released the first DROP CD project. The DROP CD received a warm welcome and has since been distributed both physically and digitally over 12,500 times across the world. Now on its sophomore album, Holy Culture presents a similar album, but it will include a more intentional storyline with some of today’s most talented artists. The new project will also include a Biblical curriculum which mirrors the album and other resources such as music videos, devotionals and more. These resources are an excellent way for Churches to provide Biblical truths in a real and relevant way.

You can find out more about the DROP CD Project at http://www.holyculture.net/

The DROP Project Goals:

  • To provide a free strategic hip-hop compilation album, to at least 10,000 individuals, that presents a Biblical account of the story of God and how we fit into His plan.

  • To use the album as an evangelistic outreach tool, available in both physical and digital formats, for individuals, Churches and Christian organizations alike to use in ministry.  

  • To go beyond the project by organizing community outreaches in order to love God and love our neighbor by being Jesus’ hands and feet.  This project will initially be distributed in five US cities (Dallas, Chicago, New York, Tampa and Portland), each city will receive up to 2,000 CDs for distribution through community outreach events.

  • To provide a Biblical curriculum that works in concert with the album in order to foster deeper spiritual growth and knowledge.  

On this project you’ll find brand new music from artists like Levi the Poet, The Ambassador, Social Club, Sean Slaughter, and more. Stay current on all our DROP Project tracks at https://soundcloud.com/holyculture/. Donate to the campaign via PayPal at [email protected].

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TQ Senkungu

TQ Senkungu is Executive Director of P4CM. He's a husband and father of 2 boys. He has a passion for Jesus and helping you push your God given gifts to the limit and making your best better every day.

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