P4CM Blog

Here at P4CM, we want to contribute positively to your life.  As you strive to express your passion, illuminate your passion and share your passion, we hope to provide helpful advice and information which you can use in your daily walk. We have created a new “How-to” segment on our blog and will be speaking to professionals about various subject matter which we think can assist you as you grow. This month we tackle the issue of helping others while you help yourself.

There are countless scriptures which highlight the importance of helping others, one such portion of scripture is found in Romans 12:13 which says we are to share with the Lord’s people who are in need and practice hospitality. We know this is the Lord’s command (Galatians 6:2) and that such sacrifices are pleasing unto Him (Hebrews 13:16).

Perhaps you have been helping others all of your life, and feel drained and in need of some help yourself. Maybe you want to help others but don’t know how or feel like you have nothing to offer? Or could it be that you have been trying your hand but need a better approach? There is no better time to improve than the present day.

It is not uncommon to feel like you are disappointing others, like you just don’t have enough time to do all the things you would like to do, or to struggle with overwhelming thoughts concerning our service to others. But it is necessary for us to renew our minds when it comes to this gift of love (John 15:13).

This month, I caught up with Patrick McNease, popularly known as PTheWyse or Praverb. I asked him for some insight on being selfless in service. But before I share his candid responses, allow me to share more about this blogger and artist.

About Praverb

Praverb is founder and content producer of Praverb Dot Net, a website which hosts content for the “do it yourself recording artist” – he also shares other useful material relating to hip hop and music. He holds an MBA and BA in Psychology and lives in Florida with his wife and son. He commonly says that he is learning on a daily basis from people that are smarter than he is.

What I found interesting and amazing about Praverb is that he is building a successful brand and helping others in the same breath. Personally, I have called on him for technical support for my blog, and feedback on my music. In fact, the first time, he was the one who reached out to help me.

What does Praverb have to say about being of service to others? Let’s see.

P4CM:  You started your website, Praverb Dot Net, in 2008. Can you describe the resources, knowledge and skills you had at your disposal back then?

PRAVERB: When I first started my website I was just blogging for myself and basically I used my experiences and what I was interested in as fuel.

P4CM: At first, your site was a domain for content related to PRAVERB. You changed your mind and shifted the attention off of yourself. Why?

PRAVERB: Well honestly I wasn’t releasing enough content. I got tired of making ever update about myself so I decided to focus on others. Then I started writing for a bigger niche. This is when I found myself as a writer.

P4CM: You provide content for the “do it yourself recording artist” and also supply pieces that will be enjoyed by music lovers and those who appreciate creative art forms. Could you mention some of the feedback you have received about your work? What has stood out for you?

PRAVERB: Well artists, managers, etc really love the in depth research that I conduct at times. I think what really stands out is people taking the time to share the content. This really means a lot to me. I enjoy the fact that people find the information valuable.

P4CM:  You have grown, and so has your website. Now that you have transitioned, how is it possible for you to meet your objectives? How do you get the job done? (You can list some of the practical things you do but also some matters of principle)

PRAVERB: Honestly I stopped trying to reach goals and objectives. I just create content. I have built up a niche following and some people like the articles and some don’t. I don’t lose sleep anymore.

I write when I feel inspired. Sometimes that may be once a month and sometimes that may be three times a week. The key is making sure my social networks stay updated with content that helps others. I usually pull quotes or content from past blog posts and share them on Twitter or Facebook.

P4CM: You are maintaining your brand and taking progressive steps toward the present and future you have in mind for yourself, but you are also assisting others with doing that very same thing in their own lives. Would you say you have found a balance?

I believe that I am progressing towards finding a balance. I believe that sharing what I have learned helps creates balance. At times I wish that I could make a career doing this but that is not reality. The reality is that people share this information and use it.

P4CM: Many people might have a similar desire to help others through the work that they do. As Christians, it is also a biblical principle and God’s desire for us to care for one another. Do you think there is an ineffective and unhealthy manner of service to others – which is not only detrimental to the people you serve, but to yourself as well? Please elaborate.

I think that it is ineffective and unhealthy to service others if you only think about yourself. Pride can definitely affect your intentions. I still struggle with pride and I still have to battle Satan on a daily basis haha.

P4CM: Sometimes we grow weary in doing good. What should anyone considering public service in conjunction with their personal/professional goals keep in mind before and during their journey?

PRAVERB: Before your start this journey think of your audience or the people you want to serve. Put yourself in their shoes. Try to look through situations through their eyes. You will learn to appreciate their perspective more and it will aid with the collaborative effort.

P4CM:  Is there a need for boundaries when helping others?

PRAVERB: I think you should have boundaries in place when you work with new people. These boundaries are usually broken down when you take the time to talk and listen to their story. The more you know about someone’s heart and mission, the easier it is to work with people.

P4CM: Please share the thoughts which come to mind when you consider the following statements:

     Should I help myself or help them?

Philippians 2:4 comes to mind.

     If I help them, I will have to go without or have less.

Give and it will be given unto you.

     But they don’t appreciate me, is a thank you to much to ask?

Remember that this is not about you. You are helping others. Put their needs first and do not seek confirmation.

     I can’t even help myself, how can I help others?

You have a wealth of information that you can share with others. God places people in our life for a reason. You can help others by simply being present. People love to talk about their problems and sometimes it is great to be a good listener.

P4CM volunteers helping out with the Blood, Sweat and Ink show.
P4CM volunteers helping out with the Blood, Sweat and Ink show.

Praverb’s six practical steps to helping others:

1. First you have to get to know the person. Communicate.

2. Identify the problem and then brainstorm.

3. Problem solve with the person or people that you are helping.

4. Present ideas. Have a party.

5. Thank them for the opportunity to help them.

6. Keep in contact with them.

Praverb’s ‘must have’ items for helping others:

1. You have to have an open mindset

2. You have to have a big heart

3. You have to rely on God.


Now that Praverb has shared his thoughts on this topic, and you’ve rehashed some prior opinions and perhaps obtained new perspective or needed encouragement, why don’t you spend some time with God and see how He would have you serve others while you effectively pursue your dreams.


But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?    – 1 John 3:17           

Visit Praverb’s website at www.praverb.net.


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TQ Senkungu

TQ Senkungu is Executive Director of P4CM. He's a husband and father of 2 boys. He has a passion for Jesus and helping you push your God given gifts to the limit and making your best better every day.

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