RHETORIC is the world’s largest Christian spoken word event. It started as a small event we called Lyricists Lounge with only 150 people attending in downtown Los Angeles. We doubled in size each subsequent event having over 300 people, then 750 people then we sold out that venue at about 1250 people for two shows. Then we moved to Cottonwood Church in Los Alamitos, CA, just outside of Los Angeles and had around 2800 guests in 2012 then over 3100 people in 2013 followed by a sell out of over 3500 people in 2014.
We have a show that is part featured artists who are known in the spoken word for their creative spoken word excellence. Then we have audition to select about 5 open mic artists to perform as well. Each year we had over 100 submissions for these 5 open mic slots on average.
The topics that are addressed through spoken word are an attempt to speak to every aspect of the human experience and Gods blessing over it or His power to overcome it. We’ve hit the topics of sexual molestation and abuse, overcoming homosexuality, AIDS, losing to cancer, encouragement to women to see that God finds them beautiful, a challenge to men to step their game up, the joy of the Lord, the power and necessity of evangelism in all walks of life, the importance of the youth to be a part of the movement, and the list goes on.
Here are some poems from past years.
Spoken Word from Past Shows
Here are just some of the reactions that people have had to their experience at RHETORIC and some reasons why they came.