Watch our new Thursday series “The Lyricists”.
Each episode features diverse artists who want to share their God given talents in unique ways.
This week’s episode features a poem by Chris Webb and performance by the dynamic band Rock Boy Fresh.
Subscribe for more episodes!

Intro Music By:
Forgiven “One Shot”

Edited By:
Lawford Campbell & TQ Senkungu

The Wait is Over??? Episode 6 | “I Waited for You”

THE WAIT IS FINALLY OVER! Matt and Janette…ikz are married!! You’ve watched Janette…ikz since 2010 starting with her piece “I Will Wait for You”, then watched her courtship with Matt throughout the series. Now watch the culminating wedding event and celebrate with the Newlyweds Matt & Janette Watson.

Thank You to everyone who has shown their overwhelming support through donations, kind comments, and sharing this series with friends and family. We appreciate each and everyone of you!

“Jesus Was a Poet” and “Waka Flocka”- Poetri | Rhetoric 2014

What if Jesus was a poet today? What would his words be like, and more importantly how would we respond? Watch Poetri’s #RHETORIC2014 poem “Jesus Was A Poet” and find out.

Follow Poetri on Twitter:

Intro Song Title: Tokyo Extreme Racer 2
Artist: Joseph Nanner & Vandal Hearts

Thumbnail Image by: Zoe4Life Photography

To Those Who Suffer (Gloria) – Itohan Omolere | RHETORIC 2014

Listen as Itohan Omolere takes us on a journey through the stories of persecuted Christians around the world. Her poem on what it really means to be persecuted is an inspiration and challenge for us to walk out our faith boldly and to pray for our other brothers and sisters around the world.

Facebook Page:
Twitter Handle: @OmolereObeys
Instagram Handle: @OmolereObeys

Intro Song Title: Tokyo Extreme Racer 2
Artist: Joseph Nanner & Vandal Hearts

Thumbnail Image by: Zoe4Life Photography